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I am SOLO (나는 솔로) Episode 142 of the 19th Mosol Special, Young-soo, who broke into the interview site and became Young-ja's brother, Kwang-soo, who awakened, and Ok-soon, the most popular girl

by 머니도리 2024. 3. 29.

The most impressive thing about the episode 142 of the 19th I am SOLO Mosol special is the courage of Young-soo, who stormed into the interview for the first time in I am SOLO history to change the mind of the Youngja, and Kwang-soo, who was awakened as if he was excited unlike the past when he was crushed in tears.



Image source/I am SOLO

나는 솔로 142화 인터뷰장에 난입한 영수와 각성한 광수
I'm Solo Episode 142

Young-soo, who heard about Young-ja's sincerity and wishes through Gwang-soo in the last episode, wandered around the campsite looking for Young-ja to talk again. Young-ja happened to be interviewing the production team at the time. Upon arriving at the scene, Young-soo wandered around for a moment and then started rushing forward. He seems to have felt that if Young-ja's inner feelings about being difficult for him were made public through the interview, it could become even more difficult for the two to recover their relationship.



Young-soo, who wanted to change her mind somehow by informing the Young-ja that he was going to make an effort to become a friend, burst into the interview and interrupted her interview. Young-soo asked what it would be like if he and the Young-ja talked one more time and resumed their interviews. It was the first time in I am SOLO history.


나는 솔로 19기 모솔특집 142화, 영자의 인터뷰 현장에 난입한 영수
Youngja's interview scene

Not only the production team but also Young-ja was very embarrassed by Young-soo's sudden intrusion. Youngja, who was confused, suddenly left the interview site,  following Youngsu, who politely asked for understanding.



Young-soo told Young-ja why he stormed into the interview site and that he would try to become a comfortable person like a friend. While he was wondering how he could make Young-ja feel comfortable with him, he thought it was rude, so he suggested something he had never done before. 


나는 솔로 19기 모솔특집 142화, 영자에게 친해지기 위해 반말을 제안하는 영수
Yeong-ja receives Yeong-su’s suggestion to speak informally

It was informal language. Due to Young-soo's personality, it was obviously unacceptable for him to speak informally to someone he had only met for a few days, but he decided to change his mind for Young-ja's sake.



Young-soo, who wanted to eliminate the barriers between the two people one by one, started by speaking informally and even patted Young-ja's back and even did bold skinship to get one step closer.


나는 솔로 19기 모솔특집 142화, 영자를 토닥여주는 영수
Yeongsoo patting Yeongja

Did Yeong-soo’s earnest efforts work? Young-ja called Young-soo Oppa, and the two began to resolve the misunderstandings that had accumulated when their dinner date.



Young-soo seems to have accepted Young-ja's statement that he was uncomfortable as a rejection of him. And Young-ja was only going to say that he would be able to approach him more comfortably if he corrected it a little, but Young-soo took this seriously with a firm look, and he was very surprised by how she felt as if their relationship had ended because of herself.


나는 솔로 19기 모솔특집 142화, 영수를 오빠라 부르는 영자
Youngja called oppa

After the misunderstanding was resolved, the two people were able to relax for a while and regain their bright smiles. These two people seem to have already been confirmed as the final couple.



In an interview the next day, Young-soo said he didn't want to let go of his favorite person because he has never met someone as attractive as Young-ja. Young-soo and Young-ja make cautious predictions that they will probably succeed in getting married. I think this scene, in which they tried to hold on to Young-ja while interrupting the interview, will be the greatest scene of their lives.


나는 솔로 19기 모솔특집 142화, 각성하게 된 광수
Gwang-soo pledges to awaken

On the other hand, Kwang-soo, who was unable to take care of his romantic life because he was only concerned about other people's relationships, said, This should not be done, promising to show him that he would make active efforts. Perhaps that's why he showed a completely different side from the past when he was passive and frown.



Gwang-soo's random date partner from the time he left the campsite to his accommodation was Ok-soon. Starting with the story of Gwang-soo, who chose Ok-soon on the first day, not being able to deliver her letter, they constantly exchanged various stories.


나는 솔로 19기 모솔특집 142화, 각성한 광수
The awakened Gwangsoo

He seemed to have changed 180 degrees to the point where I wondered if Gwang-soo had always been such a talkative person. What's more, he looked much brighter and continued the conversation in a sophisticated manner, making us completely forget about tear-filled past.



Ok-soon also said that after talking like this, she seemed to have changed her mind and that she was willing to go on a date with Gwang-soo. Gwang-soo said that she had fun talking with Ok-soon without noticing the passage of time, and he also regretted that she wasn't more active on the first day. 


나는 솔로 19기 모솔특집 142화, 광수에게 호감을 느낀 옥순
나는 솔로 19기 모솔특집 142화, 광수와의 데이트를 선택할 의향이 있다고 하는 옥순
Oksoon and Gwangsoo

The two decided to get a little closer during the remaining time. As a result, Ok-soon became the most popular girl in Sololand, happily torn between three men. Who will Ok-soon choose?



During the random date, Jung-sook was definitely rejected by Young-soo, and Young-ho continued to flirt with Young-sook, and there were many interesting scenes. I am SOLO offers paid replay services on several OTT platforms, including TVING and Wave, as well as SBS Plus. If you want to watch it again for free, you can check the replay schedule by clicking the button below.


나는 솔로 19기 모솔특집 142화, 재방송 편성표 보기 버튼


Next week, I think the story surrounding Ok-sun, who has become the most popular girl in Solonara, will take center stage. Yeong-sik feels uneasy as he sees Ok-soon getting closer to Sang-cheol, and wonders who will ultimately win Ok-soon's heart. I'm looking forward to the 143 episode of I'm Solo 19th Mosol Special to find true love from soloists. 



나는 솔로 19기 모솔특집 143화 예고
I Am SOLO Episode 143 Preview



Young-soo's Crisis


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아~ 우짜면 좋습니까! 광수님~~, 왜 그러셨어요~~~!! 증말~~~!!! 이번 회차, 광수님 외에도 솔로나라에는 이상기류가 감지되기 시작했습니다. 돈독하던 초기 커플라인에 균열이 생겨 아마도 대규모



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