Europe Outside Your Tent/Southern France Episode 5. After finishing a Gite in a quiet rural village that was like heaven on earth, the members headed to their next destination, Lyon, soaking in the warm sunshine. Lyon is a gathering place where ingredients from all over France come together and is a place where you can enjoy a variety of food cultures. Even in France, the country of gastronomy, this metropolis is called the capital of gastronomy.
Image source/Europe outside your tent
Europe Outside Your Tent / Lyon
The members who were serious about food were happy as they made food plans based on the information that their next destination was a gourmet city. Starting with braised mackerel and even Ganjang-gejang (Raw crabs marinated in soy sauce) and Yangnyeom-gejang (Spicy Marinated Raw Crab), everything that was there or not was mentioned. It was a moment where I was looking forward to what kind of food the members would cook in Lyon.
Paul Bocuse Market
As a city of gourmet food, Lyon, where the members arrived, was lined with Michelin restaurants everywhere. The first place the members, who were very clumsy with their French mountain look, headed to was the Paul Bocuse Market.
Paul Bocuse Market is named after the legendary chef Paul Bocuse, who is called the father of French cuisine and has murals all over Lyon. It is also in charge of fresh ingredients for Michelin-starred chefs.
And the first food the members chose there was fresh seafood. Since most of the menu they ate after arriving in France was greasy, they decided to focus on fresh seafood for their first meal in Lyon.
At Paul Bocuse Market, you can see many restaurants that serve oysters, among other seafood. It turns out that France is the largest oyster producer in Europe. Oysters are said to be a consistently loved food ingredient not only in Korea but also in France, the country of gourmet food.
The members were excited to taste French oysters and headed to the oyster restaurant without hesitation. As befits members of a multi-dining club, we ordered a large bowl of seafood, including not only oysters but also all kinds of clams and mussel soup, and started eating in earnest.
Northern oysters with large, creamy and rich flavors, western oysters with small but sweet flavors, and even hot mussel soup. After thoroughly enjoying seafood dishes in the gourmet city, the members left the city and headed to a nearby camping site.
Panoramic view camping site
The members arrived at a small campsite located in a field outside a quiet village, unlike previous campsites where they could enjoy the majestic scenery.
Although it is small in size, it is a camping site with a great view where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the changes in nature over time thanks to the wide open view in all directions.
The members moved to the campsite and completed the tent without hesitation unlike the first day. And they did their best to prepare dinner while appreciating the picturesque sunset.
Korean dining in Lyon
The Korean dinner menu of multi-dining club, which opened in Lyon, was BoA's kimchi stew with an amazing taste that she had never eaten before, Mi-ran's stir-fried sausage cabbage made on the spot when she said there were no side dishes, and Hye-young's pot rice that almost chewed raw rice here and there, but fortunately saved it.
However, the multi-dining club members were not the ones to end it here. After the main meal, an even bigger dessert was waiting. The final menu item at the Korean dinner table was Kkanpunggi-style spicy and sweet Yangnyeom chicken fried in pancake batter and seasoned with buldak sauce and soy sauce.
The day don't wash
Ga-in, who had eaten and felt tired, said that she would wash her hair tomorrow, as she was tired of washing it. Hye-young, who was next to her, took a shower last night, so she confidently went one step further and said that tomorrow would be a day without showering. Her strange logic was that since she washed yesterday and is clean today, she doesn't have to wash tomorrow. Ga-in even envied Hye-young.
Shocked by Hye-young and Cain, BoA looked at Miran cooking next to her and asked seriously, but it was a meaningless question. Miran's shower cycle was so long that even Hye-young and Cain, who didn't wash well, wouldn't dare to overcome it. Miran revealed a tremendous fact that her shower standard is when she feels itchy, not every few days.
This was the everyday conversation of Korea's leading actresses.
Outside your tent: Mont Blanc
The members' next schedule is to climb to the Aiguille du Midi Observatory, where they can see the pure white snowfield of Mont Blanc up close . The Aiguille du Midi Observatory is said to be the highest observatory in the world, reaching a maximum height of 3,842m, which is about three times the height of Hallasan Mountain.
The members bustled around early in the morning to pack Gimbap to eat at the rest area at 2,120 meters above sea level while climbing to the Aiguille du Midi observatory.
The members who left the camping site headed to their next destination, Mont Blanc, with big dreams. Ga-in, who had been to Mont Blanc during her honeymoon, reminisced about that time and began to tell the story of her eventful marriage.
The story of Ga-in's marriage, which was both funny and sad, continued for a long time, and pure white snow mountains began to appear in front of the members.
From majestic snowy mountains whose heights you can’t estimate, to paragliding on the foot of the mountain. The place that welcomed the members with unrealistic scenery and overflowing energy was Mont Blanc, known as the highest peak of the Alps.
Europe Outside Your tent/Southern France. Next week, I think I will be able to see the overwhelming view of Mont Blanc that will leave me speechless. Thanks to you, I think I'll be able to really enjoy my eyes.
Europe Outside Your tent/Southern France can be viewed through rebroadcasts through tvN's official channel and through various OTT services. If you want to watch it again right now, please click the button below to go to TVING, the representative OTT platform for Europe Outside Your tent/Southern France.
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This concludes the review of the Europe Outside Your Tent/Southern France Episode 5. Next week, I will come back with a fantastic view of Mont Blanc from the Aiguille du Midi Observatory. Well then, bye~!
Gite below Mont Aiguille
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