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Korea-Japan Top 10 Show / Korea-Japan Singers King Battle (日韓歌王戰) Follow-up Introduction and Final Episode Review

by 머니도리 2024. 5. 9.

The Korea-Japan Singer King Battle, a singing competition between top singers from Korea and Japan that staked the pride of their countries, has ended. Fans will inevitably be very disappointed with the news of the end of the exciting Korea-Japan Singer King Battle.


So, for the fans who may be disappointed, we have prepared a review of the final episode of the Korea-Japan Singer King Battle and news about  the follow-up, Korea-Japan Top 10 Show





    Korea-Japan Top 10 Show

    Image source / Korea-Japan Singer King Battle


    Before introducing the Korea-Japan Top 10 Show, I will first briefly summarize the news from the final episode of the Korea-Japan Singer King Battle.


    Final episode Review

    The final episode of the Korea-Japan Singer King Battle! The on-site nomination competition was over, and all that remained was the announcement of the results.


    Before the match between Jeon Yu-jin and Utagokoro Rie, Korea had the upper hand in the voting status of the celebrity judges with 3 wins, 1 draw and 2 losses, but the "Sonnet of the Clown" sung by Utagokoro Rie was so overwhelming that I had a hunch that it would probably end in a draw.



    Have you heard Utagokoro Rie’s "Sonnet of the Clown" yet? If you haven't already, please check it out. If you click the button below, you will truly feel the magic of Rie, who has made singers and celebrity judges of both countries cry. It's a moving song that gives you strength every day and every time you listen to it




    Voting Results

    Finally, the celebrity judges' voting results were revealed, and Jeon Yu-jin won with a score of 70:30. The results so far are 4 wins, 1 draw, and 2 losses . However, because the scores from the national people judging panel remain, the Korean team's victory has not yet been confirmed.  



    Subsequently, the final results, which were the sum of the scores from the national people judging panel, were revealed.



    Almost all the matches, including Ma I-jin and Makoto , Maria and Natsuko , and Kim Da-hyun and Fukuda Mirai, had the same results as the celebrity judges, but in the match between Park Hye-shin and Sumida Aiko, which was a draw, Sumida Aiko won! The score was 3:3, providing unexpected excitement. 



    In this way, the Korea-Japan Singer King Battle had viewers on the edge of their seats with unpredictable results until the very end. What surprised viewers even more was the result of the match between Jeon Yu-jin and Utagokoro Rie.  



    The words of MC Shin Dong-yup started making waves. According to a vote of celebrity judges, the gap between the two was 40 points, but the difference between the final scores, which included the national people judges' scores, was only two points.


    It seems that the national people judges gave almost 40 points more than Jeon Yu-jin's for Utagokoro Rie's song.


    Like a script, an exciting and unexpected confrontation unfolded, and the final result was finally revealed.



    Who won by 2 points? Is the country that won by 4 to 3 Korea or Japan? Will the result be??

    Jeon Yujin 101, and Utagokoro Rie 99. The final result was  4:3, with Korea winning. However, the national people judging panel's voting result was 31:69, revealing that the votes were concentrated on Utagokoro Rie.


    It was a close match in which Japan could have won dramatically if just one more celebrity judge had chosen Rie.  



    Please refer to the table below for the final combined score results.  


    Battle table Final result Winner
    Ma I.J vs Makoto 114 : 86 Ma I.J
    Maria vs Natsuko 62 : 138 Natsuko
    Byeol S.R vs Miyu 167 : 33 Byeol S.R
    LYn vs Aki 72 : 128 Aki
    Kim D.H vs Mirai 162 : 38 Kim D.H
    Park H.S vs Aiko 89 : 111 Aiko
    Jeon Y.J vs Rie 101 : 99 Jeon Y.J
    KOR vs JPN 4 : 3 Korea


    In this way, the Korea-Japan Singer King Battle came to an end, followed by a gala show and an awards ceremony.  


    MVP Award Ceremony

    The Korea-Japan Singer King Battle Awards Ceremony was divided into three categories: Korea-Japan Bridge Award, Rising Star Award, and MVP



    The Korea-Japan Bridging Award, which is given to singers who will create a deep resonance by traveling between the two countries through the Korea-Japan Singer King Battle, goes to LYn and Utagokoro Rie, and the Rising Star Award, which is given to singers who have proven their explosive potential to grow into global stars, goes to Jeon Yu-jin and Azuma Aki won the award.  



    The Korea-Japan Singer King Battle is a national competition aimed at promoting active cultural exchange and friendship between the two countries, so it cannot be called a winner, but anyway, the youngest Kim Da-hyun won the much-awaited MVP given to the singer who laid the foundation for the entry into the other country.



    As a result, Kim Da-hyun became active not only in Korea but also in Japan, receiving trophies, bouquets, and special songs made in the language of the other country specifically given to MVP, namely, special songs made in Japanese only for Kim Da-hyun. 



    Below is  news related to Kim Da-hyun, who won MVP at the Korea-Japan Singer King Battle and laid the foundation for her advancement into Japan. Click the banner to view the article.  


    In this way, the Korea-Japan Singer King Battle ended with a warm hug between the participants. The participants said that through this competition, although they spoke different languages ​​and had different cultures, they felt a strong sense of family-like affection rather than competition . 



    This is how the Korea-Japan Singer King Battle, the first song national competition in history that brought emotion and happiness across borders and generations, came to an end.


    Now, you must be very curious about the follow-up broadcast of the Korea-Japan Singer King Battle. You've waited a long time. From now on, I will inform you about  the follow-up broadcast schedule and the Korea-Japan Top 10 Show


    Introduction to follow-up broadcasts

    First of all, as a follow-up to the Korea-Japan Singer King Battle, Active Singers King Seoul Concert will be broadcast in two episodes on May 14th and 21st, and the new entertainment show Korea-Japan Top 10 Show, which will follow the Korea-Japan Singer King Battle, is scheduled to be broadcast from May 28th.  



    Active Singer King's Seoul Concert was originally scheduled to be broadcast as one episode, but it was decided to broadcast it as two episodes. It is said that the previous Burning Trotman Seoul Concert was also broadcast over two episodes.


    Korea-Japan Top 10 Show

    Korea-Japan Top 10 Show is the first Korea-Japan music entertainment show in Korea where top Korean and Japanese singers, transcending genres such as trot, enka, K-pop, and J-pop, compete in the famous song war, risking the honor of their countries.


    Regardless of genre, regardless of nationality! As it is a famous song competition that will bring about nostalgia and a comeback, expectations are high that  many top Korean and Japanese singers will appear in addition to the singers who appeared in the Korea-Japan Singer King Battle. 


    It is said that the first recording of Korea-Japan top 10 shows in was held for 13 hours on Apr. 26. A singer who participated in the recording said on her fan cafe on April 27 that the first recording of the Korea-Japan Top 10 Show was successful.  



    Of course, it is not yet known what format the Korea-Japan Top 10 Show will be and how many episodes it will last.


    However , as can be seen from the title, which is reminiscent of Gayo Top 10, it is expected that the concept will be  a competition format aimed at the main audience of middle-aged people who experienced the heyday of popular music in the past , allowing them to reminisce about famous songs of the past . 



    In addition, the Korea-Japan Top 10 Show is the first Korean-Japanese joint music show to be tried in Korea, and viewers' expectations and interests seem to be gathered in that top singers from both countries rediscover forgotten masterpieces and boldly break away from the existing trot entertainment framework. 



    In addition, Korea-Japan Top 10 Show is a good opportunity for viewers to experience Japanese pop culture indirectly, but it is expected that it will be broadcast together throughout Korea and Japan like Korea-Japan Singer King Battle to secure a new audience and play a big role in expanding the base and globalization of K-Trot.  



    Lastly, we hope you have a lot of interest in the Korea-Japan Top 10 Show, which will be aired for the first time at 10 pm on Tuesday, May 28th.


    This concludes the review of the last episode of the Korea-Japan Singer King Battle and the introduction of the Korea-Japan Top 10 Show. I hope you had a useful time.  



    Azuma Aki Profile


    한일가왕전(日韓歌王戰) 일본 대표 가수 아즈마 아키 (東亜樹) 프로필 및 최신 노래 (ft. 목포의

    한일가왕전(日韓歌王戰)에 참가 중인 일본대표 가수 중 일본의 정통 앤카부터 한국의 정통 트롯까지 나이를 가늠할 수 없는 감성으로 깊은 감동을 주고 있는 하늘이 내린 노래 천재,  아즈마


    Makoto, Aiko and others profiles


    한일가왕전(日韓歌王戰, Korea-Japan Singer King) 일본대표 가수 마코토 스미다 아이코 나츠코 카노우

    한일가왕전을 보는 내내 일본 대표로 출전한 가수들의 노래실력에 놀라움을 금할 수가 없었는데요. 특히나 우타고코로 리에와 아즈마 아키의 노래는 그야말로 충격 그 자체였습니다. 한일가왕


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    한일가왕전(日韓歌王戰) 4회에서 불려진 코이비토요(恋人よ, こいびとよ, 연인이여). 워낙 유명한 곡이라 아시는 분들도 많을 텐데요. 희대의 명곡인 이 노래를 원곡자 이츠와 마유미를 비롯, 전




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